Helping people transform and grow


Aaron Solomon

Mindfulness Counselor and Teacher


I’ve learned so much as a monastic in the Order of Interbeing, founded by Thich Nhat Hanh, and have recently transitioned to offer teachings, counseling, and support to individuals and communities. As a Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition, I provide spiritual support and trauma-informed mindfulness practices to help people heal past conditioning through the wisdom of the body. I also integrate Nonviolent Communication into my offerings. I currently support the Earth Holder Community in global restoration work. As an AMGA single pitch instructor, I lead mindful climbing retreats and other outdoor-based mindfulness practices. My offerings integrate into a balanced whole to expand access to healing and build communities to transform our world. All of my offerings are donation-based.

I’d love to have a conversation with you on how I could support you or your community.
Please schedule a time to connect with me.

  • Integrated Trauma-informed Mindfulness & Somatic Experiencing

  • Meditation instruction & guidance, mentoring, spiritual direction

  • Nonviolent communication, group empathy & listening practices, mediation

  • Social Justice, Climate Justice, Earth Holding, and engaged practice

  • Mindful climbing—individual and group guiding, facilitation, and leading retreats

  • Working with individuals, groups, and communities

  • One-time offerings and ongoing support

I make my livelihood according to the principle of Dana. That is the spirit of giving and receiving through generosity, reciprocity, and mutual support.

Your generous support makes healing possible for many people.